

Today i want to share some importent International General Knowledge . Its can help to know about the world event . So no more late quicly learn this and gain Knowledge .

1.The Central bank in the USA is known as-
Ans: Federal Reserve System

2. The secretariat of the SAARC is situated at-
Ans: Kathmandu.

3. Smallest Country in the world is-
Ans: Vatican city.

4. Where is the mazar of Hazrat Ali (R) located?
Ans: Iraq

5.The world"s largest diamond producing country is-
Ans: South Africa.

6.The name of the mine from where 33 miner"s rescued after 69 days?
Ans: San Jose mine. Chile.

7.Which country will host the Olympic 2012?
Ans: England.

8.The first woman prime minister of England was?
Ans: Margeret Thatcher.

9."Paradise Lost" was written by-
Ans: John Milton.

10. Who is the first Muslim woman to win the Nobel peace Prize?
Ans: Shirin Ebadi.

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