Babul : Hi! How are you?
Kamal : Fine, but i am worried about frequent cyclones in our country.
Babul : You are absolutely right. It has become a great problem. The problem of frequent cyclones
is a so acute that it will be a major threat for the people who are living in the coastal areas.
Kamal : Cyclone gives rise to ecological imbalance and brings about natural disaster along with
with unending sufferings of common people. I think the plants and animales are likely
to be extinct due to tidal upsurge in the coastal areas
Babul : Yes. Of course. we are the worst sufferers. What can we do now?
Kamal : Govt should build sufficient cyclone shelters along the low lying areas and the
Meteorological department should give proper and timely warning so that
concerned agencies should take measures for helping the victims.
Babul : Right you are. thank you Bye now.
Kamal : Bye, see you later.
Not so good