

Myself         :  excuse me. Can I have some books from you?
Book Seller : Yes. why not? of course  you may have some books. what kinds of book you need?
Myself         : I need some books written by rabindranath Tagore. Do you have the books of this kind?
Book Seller : Surely. I can give you the books of Tagore. Do you have any perticulear choice?
                     If so, what are they?
Myself         : I want to take Gitanjoly, balaka and some novels.
Book Seller :  Ok. Its not a matter for me to give you these kinds of books. Would you mind telling                              the reason of taking these books? In a large quantity?
Myself         : He got Novel prize. How can a Bangalee stay without reading the books of Tagore?
Book Seller :  Thanks for your idea. Here are the books.
Myself         : How mush
Book Seller :  They are only TK 1500
Myself         : Here is the money.
Book Seller : Thanks.

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